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Walking The Line Training 15-Hour On-Demand Facilitator Training Course
Introduction and Overview
Introduction (9:43)
How I see the World
Unit 1: Personality Differences (26:53)
Unit 2: How Something Small Can Be so Big (34:21)
Unit 3: How Your Past Affects Your Present & How Your Present Affects Your Future (28:47)
Managing Myself
Unit 4: Communication Skills (46:45)
Unit 5: Handling Anger Well (38:12)
Unit 6: Handling Stress Well (18:48)
Unit 7: Everyone Deserves Respect (28:58)
Intimate Relationships
Unit 8: The Power of Expectations (22:09)
Unit 9: The Chemistry of Love (16:13)
Unit 10: Relationships & Commitment (40:17)
Walking the Line-Inside & Out
Unit 11: The Significance of Fathers (32:37)
Unit 12: Re-Enrty (48:49)
Unit 13: Ten to Life (25:12)
Unit 14: Forgiveness (22:16)
Unit 15: Your Personal Mission (12:42)
What's Next? (How to get your Certificate of Completion)
Leaving with a Plan (4:43)
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Unit 14: Forgiveness
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